WI05 Wifi Module

From ElectroDragon Wiki


Wi05 socket control.png

Two-way Wi05 Series Serial to WIFI for packet forwarding, users do not care about the details, the completion of the internal protocol conversion module, serial data port side of the transparent transmission, WIFI network side is TCPIP packets by simply setting, you can set up Web pages inside the module can or also be carried out through the serial port using AT commands, once set up permanent preservation.

WI05 module is an integrated 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, low-power embedded Wi-Fi module, provides a way to connect the user's physical device to a Wi-Fi wireless networks and provide UART interface for data transfer solutions. With this module, the traditional low-end MCU control serial device or devices can easily access Wi-Fi wireless networks, in order to achieve things together network control and management.

The module integrates hardware MAC, baseband chip, RF transceiver unit, and a power amplifier; embedded firmware supports Wi-Fi protocol and configuration, as well as networking, TCP / IP protocol stack.

WI05 using the industry's lowest-power embedded architecture design, and for smart grids, smart application of handheld devices, personal medical, industrial control, etc, these low-flow low-frequency field of data transmission, we did make professional optimization for these fields.


  • mono wifi 2.4Ghz, support WEP, WPA/WPA2 security mode
  • Price effective MCU design
  • fully integrated serial port to wifi wireless function
  • Low energy mode available
  • support different kinds of network protocol and wifi configuration function
  • support STA/AP/STA+AP mode
  • support smart link and WPS function
  • support wireless and remote upgrading
  • internal/external antenna (I-PEX)
  • support a few PWM signal output channels
  • a lot AT commands configuration supported
  • tiny size, 22 x 13.5 x 6 mm
  • 3V3 singal power supply
  • support low energy realtime OS and driving
  • CE/FCC
  • ROHS compliant
  • UART, 3 PWM/GPIO data port
  • current: 200ma on continious working mode (peak), 12ma average mode
  • 1x 10 pins, 2.00 pitch


  • wireless control
  • internet communication
  • Data serial communication


  • Smart lighting
  • Smart power plug
  • Industrial control
  • remote device surveiliance
  • "internal of things"

Use guide

  • Connect module via Wifi

Wi05 internet.png

  • Default settings
SSID: USR-Wifi232
Encrption: open, none;
Serial port configuration:115200,8,1,none

TCP/UDP parameters in default: TCP, server, 8899, 10,10,100,254 default login user name and password is "admin" for both

  • Pins
Wi05 pins.png
No. Name Description
2 3V3 3v3 Power supply
3 Reload factory set pin (hold low for more than 5s), for less than 3s it will enter smart link configuration mode, no need pull-up resistor
4 Reset hold more than 10s for reset, need pull-up resistor
5 RX Uart RX
6 TX Uart Tx
8 PWM/GPIO/WPS low to enable WPS function
9 PWM/GPIO/ready low to enable, can connect to LED, indicating module working status
10 PWM/GPIO/link low to enable, can connect to LED, fast flashing stands for waiting configuration, slow flashing stands for APP enter into smart link mode
  • pin 8, 9, 10 can used as PWM or GPIO function, set AT+LPTIO=on for this function.
  • Only use 3V3 for all the logic pins, and 3v3 power pins, higher volt may break the module.
  • Hardware features

Module working mode

UART communication mode

  • Commands mode (AT)
  • To enter into the AT commands mode, type +++ (+ three times), the module will return a confirmation code "a", then type "a" you will have "+ok" return, and now the module enter into AT mode. This commands charachters must enter within 300 ms in between them.
WI05 AT command enter.png
  • AT commands list
  • enqiry format example, AT+WMODE
  • Set format example, AT+WMODE=AP
  • Commands end up with <CR> carriage return.
  • Can use secureCRT serial tool, default settings as the picture shown below
Wi05 secureCRT default.png
Commands Description Parameter Examples(Enquiry/Set) Category
E turn on/off return message info - AT+E administration
WMODE Check module working mode (AP/STA/AP+STA) AP, STA, AP+STA AT+WMODE; AT+WMODE=AP administration
ENTM enter into data communication mode - AT+ENTM administration
TMODE set/check data mode throughput: uart data communication, cmd: commands mode, pwm: GPIO mode AT+TMODE administration
MID Check module ID - AT+MID administration
RELD return to factory mode - AT+RELD administration
Z Restart module - AT+Z administration
H Help command - AT+H administration
CFTGF copy user configuration to factory configuration - AT+CFTGF administration
UART Check UART settings AT+UART=baud rate (115200), data bit(8), stop bit (1 or 2), parity (None, even, odd), flow control(NFC, FC) AT+UART; AT+UART=1200,8,1,NONE,NFC UART
Ping network command ping AT+ping=IP address AT+PING PING
SEND Send TCP data AT+send=(data length), enter data to send within 3 seconds after commands AT+send=10 Socket A
RECV receive TCP data AT+recv=(data length), enter data to receive within 3 seconds after commands AT+recv=10 Socket A
NETP check/set socket protocol TCP, UPD AT+NETP; AT+NETP=UPD, Client, 9090, Socket A
MAXSK maximum TCP client connected number 1~5 AT+MAXSK; AT+MAXSK=10 socket A
TCPLK check if TCP connection is made on/off AT+TCPLK Socket A
TCPTO check/set TCP time out unit is seconds AT+TCPTO; AT+TCPTO=400 Socket A
TCPDIS set on/off TCP connection on/off AT+TCPDIS; AT+TCPDIS=on Socket A
SNDB Send TCP data via TCP-B AT+send=(data length), enter data to send within 3 seconds AT+SNDB; AT+SNDB=10 Socket B
RCVB receive TCP data via TCP-B AT+recv=(data length), enter data to receive within 3 seconds AT+RCVB; AT+RCVB=10 Socket B
SOCKB check/set socket protocol via TCP-B TCP, UPD AT+SOCKB; AT+SOCKB=TCP, 9090, Socket B
TCPLKB check if TCP connection is made via TCP-B on/off AT+TCPLKB Socket B
TCPTOB check/set TCP time out via TCP-B - AT+TCPTOB; AT+TCPTOB=400 Socket B
TCPDISB set on/off TCP connection via TCP-B on/off AT+TCPDISB; AT+ TCPDISB=on Socket B
WSSSID Check/set associated access point ID SSID AT+WSSSID; AT+WSSSID=Electrodragon STA Commands
WSKEY Check/set encryption parameters AT+WSKEY=auth(open, shared, WPAPSK, WPA2PSK),encryp(None, WEP-H, WEP-A, TKIP, AES), key AT+WSKEY; AT+WSKEY=WPA2PSK, TKIP, Electrodragon STA Commands
WANN Check/set STA parameters AT+WANN=mode(static,DHCP), address, mask, gateway AT+WANN; - STA Commands
WSMAC Check/set MAC parameters AT+WSMAC=8888 (default value), mac address AT+WSMAC; AT+WSMAC=8888, D8B0CFFF1234 STA Commands
WSLK Check/set wireless link status AT+WSLK STA Commands
WSCAN search AP AT+WSCAN STA Commands
WSDNS Check/set DNS address in STA mode AT+WSDNS; AT+WSDNS= STA Commands
LANN Check/set AP parameters AT+LANN=ipaddress, mask - AP Commands
WAP Check/set wifi parameters AT+WAP=wifi mode (11BGN, 11B, 11BG), ssid, channel (only 1 now) AT+WAP; AT+WAP=11BGN, Electrodrgon, 1 AP Commands
WAKEY Check/set encryption parameters AT+WAKEY=auth(open, WPA2PSK),encryp(None, AES), key AT+WAKEY; AT+WAKEY=WPA2PSK, AES, ELectrdragon AP Commands
WAMAC Check/set MAC parameters (DO not use this, please contact us to set otherwise it will cause problems) AP Commands
WADHCP Check/set DHCP server status on/off AT+WADHCP; AT+WADHCP=on AP Commands
WALK Check MAC address of connected STAs - AT+WALK AP Commands
WALKIND Check/set connection status - AT+WALKIND; AT+WALKIND=on AP Commands
NTPRF check/set time correction interval 0~720, unit in minutes AT+NTPRF; AT+NTPRF=5 Others
NTPEN turn on/oof tiem correction - AT+NTPEN; AT+NTPEN=on Others
NTPTM check time - AT+NTPTM Others
WRMID Set module ID - AT+WRMID=Eletrodragon Others
MDCH set module wifi auto switch function; on, off, auto, or time interval from 3-120 fro moduel to restart when it has error - AT+MDCH; AT+MDCH=Auto Others
TXPWR set module power level 0-24, each value equa to -0.5dbm, so 1 equa to -0.5dbm, default 0 is 24 dbm AT+TXPWR; AT+TXPWR=5 Others
WPS turn on module WPS function - AT+WPS Others
SMTLK turn on module smart link function - AT+SMTLK Others
LPTIO turn on/off ready, link indication function on: ready, link, wps functions mapped to pins AT+LPTIO; AT+LPTIO=on Others


  • Set via At commands AT+ATMODE and AT+LPTIO
  • For GPIO mode, set AT+ATMODE=pwm and AT+LPTIO=off, otherwise set link/ready/wps mode AT+ATMODE=AT+ATMODE=pwm, AT+LPTIO=on

GPIO/PWM commands

  • GPIO n OUT 0: set GPIO n channel to output mode and low ttl (or 1 for high TTL), return GPIO OK or GPIO NOK
  • GPIO n GET: inquiry GPIO n channel pin TTL status, return +ok=1 (or 0) or GPIO NOK
  • PWM n frequency duty: set PWM n channel output, return PWM OK or PWM NOK, frequency value 500~60000, duty value 0~100
  • PWM n GET: inquiry PWM n channel value, return +ok=frequency or PWM NOK
  • PWM n SWT: Save PWM n channel value, return PWM OK or PWM NOK


Module Wifi Mode

Wi05 ap sta mode.png
  • AP: Wireless access point, you can connect to it like a router
  • STA: Wifi station mode, like laptop, PDA is a station
  • AP+STA: work as a access point and also a station mode


  • WEP

Socket TCP/UDP Communication

  • Use tool we have, on this page Wifi

Webpage interface
Wi05 webpage control.png

  • Connect the moduel, and use the module default setting IP

HTTP Commands Peripher referenc ecircuit design

Wi05 peripheral circuit.png