STM32 SDK Terms
- HSI internal high speed crystal
- HSE external high speed crystal
- LSE external low speed crystal, 32.768Khz
- HSE = High-speed external clock signal
- HSI = High-speed internal clock signal
- LSI = Low-speed internal clock signal
- LSE = Low-speed external clock signal
- MSI = Multispeed internal clock signal
- clock source (SYSCLKS)
- PCLK1 low speed / The APB1 clock (PCLK1) = APB low-speed clock (PCLK1)
- PCLK2 high speed / The APB2 clock (PCLK2) = APB highspeed clock (PCLK2)
- AHB clock (HCLK)
- RM0377 Reference manual -
- clock tree