From ElectroDragon Wiki

RF Link 433/315mhz


All the pins are sil printed on the board, please refer to real products.

Name Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Pin5
433/315 Transmitter Antenna (extra one close to other end) VCC Data output Data output GND
433/315 Receiver Data Input VCC GND

Simple Demo Test

  1. Connect VCC GND to your arduino, for TX, connect to MCU 1 pin 12, and for RX, connect to MCU 2 pin 11. 3 wire connects for each, and 6 in total.
  2. For TX and MCU1, upload sketch named transmitter sketch from virtualwire library, and for RX and MCU2, receiver sketch from virtualwire library.
  3. After finish uploading all the sketch, push reset button or TX MCU1 arduino, you should LED 13 flashing on TX MCU1 arduino, and another TX LED flashing or RX MCU2 arduino, this may be different due to the arduino board version, but at least two LED on each board should flicking!
  4. Open RX MCU2 monitor on computer, you should receive:

Got: 68 65 6C 6C 6F
Got: 68 65 6C 6C 6F ("hello" sent from TX)

See the Demo Video here.


RF Link

RF Link with decoder

PT2262 and PT2272

RF Link Guide

  • MICRF213 - 3.3V, QwikRadio® 315MHz Receiver
Type Frequency Distance Modulation
RF433/315 - 2SC3356 SOT23 "R25"/2sc3357 - SOT89 "RF" 433/315 10m ASK/OOK
LR670/680 + CS110/113 ASK/OOK
  • BH4126FV ?




SYN470, SYN115


Arduino Wireless Library