Pin Definition
Pin Number | Definition | Input/Output | Description |
1 | GND | Input/Output | Power Supply GND |
2 | PIO_14 | Input/Output | Programmable I/O |
3 | PIO_5 | Output | Programmable I/O |
4 | RST | Input | external reset |
5 | SPI_MOSI | CMOS Input | SPI data input |
6 | SPI_CLK | CMOS Input | SPI clock |
7 | SPI_CSB | CMOS Input | CPI chip select |
8 | SPI_MISO | CMOS Output | SPI data output |
9 | RLED | Output | status LED 1, normally connect to red |
10 | BLED | Output | status LED 2, normally connect to blue |
11 | VREG | Input | ON/OFF, pairing, answering phone |
12 | 1V8 | Output | 1.8V power output |
13 | VBAT | Input | lithium battery power supply input terminal end |
14 | CHG | Input | lithium battery power charging input terminal end |
15 | GND | Input/Output | Power Supply GND |
16 | MIC_BIAS | Output | microphone power supply |
17 | MIC_RP | Input | Positive terminal of the the microphone right channel differential input |
18 | MIC_RN | Input | Negative terminal of the the microphone right channel differential input |
19 | MIC_LP | Input | Positive terminal of the the microphone left channel differential input |
20 | MIC_LN | Input | Negtive terminal of the the microphone left channel differential input |
21 | GND | Input/Output | Audio GND |
22 | SPK_RN | Output | Stereo right channel differential output negative terminal |
23 | SPK_RP | Output | Stereo right channel differential output positive terminal |
24 | SPK_LN | Output | Stereo left channel differential output negative terminal |
25 | SPK_LP | Output | Stereo lfet channel differential output positive terminal |
26 | PIO_13 | Input/Output | Programmable I/O |
27 | PIO_11 | Input/Output | Programmable I/O |
28 | PIO_12 | Input/Output | Programmable I/O |
29 | PIO_9 | Input/Output | Programmable I/O |
30 | GND | Input/Output | Power Supply GND |