Difference between revisions of "ESP32 DMA RMP"
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Latest revision as of 13:26, 30 March 2021
Hardware Install Guide
- Supported boards are devkitc and pico V4: https://www.electrodragon.com/w/ESP32_Boards
Plug in the ESP32 devkitc or PICO board
- the most inside 2 rows of 20 pin are for the socket of the PICO board
- the medium 2 rows of 19 pins are for the socket of the DEVKITC board
- the most outside 2 rows of 19 pins are the extra lead outs for the DEVKITC board, no use
Install to the Panel
- Please check the HUB75 direction in attached image, the gap on the board's hub75 should match to the gap on the panel's hub75
- Interface HUB75's gap to Panel HUB75's gsp
- Double check if the board plug into the socket well or not. Otherwise it won't work.
Software ESP32 DMA Demo Code Setup
- Demo code github: https://github.com/mrfaptastic/ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA
- Pin definition based on file: ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h
RGB1 and RGB2
#define R1_PIN_DEFAULT 25 #define G1_PIN_DEFAULT 26 #define B1_PIN_DEFAULT 27
#define R2_PIN_DEFAULT 14 #define G2_PIN_DEFAULT 12 #define B2_PIN_DEFAULT 13
A / B / C / D / E
#define A_PIN_DEFAULT 23 #define B_PIN_DEFAULT 19 #define C_PIN_DEFAULT 5 #define D_PIN_DEFAULT 17 // via jumper to PICO IO22, for PICO please change to IO22 #define E_PIN_DEFAULT -1 // IMPORTANT: Change to a valid pin if using a 64x64px panel.
#define LAT_PIN_DEFAULT 4 #define OE_PIN_DEFAULT 15 #define CLK_PIN_DEFAULT 16 // via jumper to PICO IO21, for PICO please change to IO21
Pin D and CLK
- Pin D pre-connected to ESP32 IO17 and PICO pin IO22
- Pin CLK pre-connected to ESP32 IO16 and PICO IO21
Setup for Line_E
Connect three-way jumpers before to use
- For Devkitc, three-way jumper to IO22 or IO18
- For PICO, three-way jumper to IO10 or IO9
V2 New Features
- Fully support DEVKITC and PICO all pins
- Add LDR sensor port reserved
- Add signal buffer to transfer 5V signal to panel
- Seperated lead out I2C port IO22 IO21
- Seperated lead out PICO extra pins IO9 IO10 IO37 IO38
- Use switch to swap between devkitc and PICO, which only swtich pins CLK and D
- E line change to IO18